Sunday 25 January 2009


Thought i'd just write a small update. This week has indeed been quiet, I was really expecting the SDK to be released at some point this week. Looks like we're in a for a much bigger wait. I hope Im wrong though. So what now?

Well now I plan on getting all the brush work (if you're into unreal, that means bsp work)done. I plan on having all the roads done pretty soon, covered in nice orange dev textures so i can run them in HL2 multiplayer so i can at least play through it for testing. Then after the roads its placing houses and other brush work. I dont want to place too many L4D props into the level because I am very worried that when the SDK is released all the directories for the models will change and my map will be full of props that cant be found and would have to be placed again.

One thing im going to avoid is setting a timetable because this is a project that I cant really set one for, its a massive undertaking and although I plan on working solidly on it there are too many things that I dont know how long will take. So, the plan is. Get all the brush work done for level 1, starting with the roads then working up from there. Hopefully the SDK will be released once that is all done, if not, then I will probably spend extra time play testing the level and making sure the brush work is totaly polished. After that, possibly I can make a start on level 2.


  1. awesome its good that even amongst the problems with not having an SDK you still are working hard to get something out. This is pure commitment which makes a campaign a lot more interesting

  2. Ya man, good to hear a status update :)
    Keep it up!

  3. Thanks guys, every comment really motivates me.
